Overview: This episode explores the creative renaissance in television as audiences enjoyed groundbreaking shows such as The Sopranos, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Lost, Survivor, American Idol, Glee and The Office.
Overview: This episode explores how George W. Bush faced the attacks of September 11th and launched a global war on terror.
Overview: This episode explores President Bush’s desire to end insurgency in Ira while seeking re-election. In his second term, he must respond to Hurricane Katrina, a burgeoning financial meltdown and his own plummeting poll numbers.
Overview: This episode explores the rise of Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google.
Overview: This episode explores the financial crisis that threatened the global economy.
Overview: This episode explores Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and the 2008 presidential election.
Overview: This episode explores how new technologies like Napster disrupted the music industry.