Overview: The arrival of Hikuma Koichi at Misaki High School marks a turning point for its problematic students, as he persistently tries to recruit them for the brass band.
Overview: Due to harassment from the delinquents including Aoshima and Ren, the Misaki High School brass band is unable to participate in the recital.
Overview: The conflict between Aoshima and his upperclassmen Jinnai and his group became more and more intense.
Overview: Hikuma Keiichi's daughter Natsuki is scheduled to do her teaching internship at Misaki High School and join the brass band as a coach.
Overview: The Misaki High School brass band successfully completed their training camp, but Igawa's smoking problem had been brought to the attention of Vice Principal Samejima.
Overview: Hikuma, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, collapses at home.
Overview: The regional qualifying tournament for the "National Wind Orchestra Competition" has finally begun.
Overview: When Hikuma wakes up from surgery, Misaki High School brass band inform him that they have made it through the prefectural tournament.