Overview: After the humiliation of being caught dressed as a dog at a council flat sex party, Joshua is trying to patch things up with Naomi. Unfortunately for him, it may be too late as Naomi has a new boyfriend: Jason Pigg. Jason makes no attempt to disguise his contempt for Josh and things come to a head when Josh (with the unwanted help of Ricky) accuses Jason of cheating on Naomi. While Josh is getting mugged off, Ricky is getting mugged. Attacked by a mystery assailant, Ricky turns to the police for assistance but receives zero help from a police officer who has more interest in pepperoni than perps. While all this is going on, Tika wants the answer to one simple question: what kind of a man buys a woman flowers?
Overview: After visiting Scott in prison, Josh is scared he might be joining him after agreeing to deliver more than just pizzas. Mario tries to diversify the menu.
Overview: The celebrations for Naomi's birthday get out of hand when another girl flirts with Josh.
Overview: Josh and Ricky end up babysitting, and they are inspired to start a union.
Overview: When Naheema goes on the hunt for a sugar daddy, she's fifty percent successful which causes no end of grief for Ricky. Naomi, meanwhile, is having trouble with some greedy paramedics.
Overview: Josh and Ricky need some money for a get-rich-quick scheme, but they shouldn't count on getting any money from the bank. It's being robbed...