Overview: Follows the rise of Tooru Muranishi, one of Japan's most notorious directors of adult video. Adapted from a biography of the man, this series depicts the character, his art, vision and his interactions with the approving and disapproving folk around him.
Status: Ended
Release date: August 8, 2019
Number of season: 2
Number of episode: 16
Countries of origin: Japan,
August 8, 2019.
8 Episodes
Overview: Follows the story of Toru Muranishi's unusual and dramatic life filled with big ambitions as well as spectacular setbacks in his attempt to turn Japan's porn industry on its head.
See episodesJune 24, 2021.
8 Episodes
Overview: Flush with success, Muranishi aims for the stars, vowing to launch his own satellite TV channel. But the higher he flies, the farther he has to fall.
See episodes