Overview: Three high school girls are given a chance of saving their beloved city park from destruction by entering a softball tournament. With no softball experience and facing a tight deadline they race to recruit enough girls to form a team.
Overview: Desperately in need of a skilled Director to manage their team of misfits, Nanamaru, Chopin and Kote hear of a truly legendary director named Kamata whom they discover is in hiding and wants nothing to do with sports ever again.
Overview: In the wrong place at the wrong time, Imadoki is arrested. Short one player and with their first game rapidly approaching Nanamaru must redouble her efforts to recruit Marukyuu as the Bemars take on the tough girls of the Nikyou School.
Overview: Nanamaru and Kote secretly follow a troubled Chopin and find she has important demands on her time and must conceal her softball play from her parents. Nanamaru tries to help, then wishes she hadn't as things go all wrong.
Overview: To prepare for the flamboyant Versailles Music School and their esoteric pitching the Bemars practice so intensely that their second baseman, Academy, collapses under the strain.
Overview: Kote meets a boy she really likes. To survive their next opponent's speedy base runners, Kote and Nanamaru must work together perfectly, but something is dreadfully wrong. The Bemars must identify the problem and fix it quickly.
Overview: Following a dismal practice, Nanamaru encounters Kerei and the two troubled girls spend time getting to know one another. The Bemars take the field against their next opponent, the notorious Suketto International School.
Overview: The semifinal game against powerful Maguro draws near as everything goes wrong. Imadoki is to be expelled; Nanamaru must learn a pitch that seems impossible to learn; and to save others, gentle Bunan must walk into deadly danger alone.
Overview: The Bemars, with Nanamaru's amazing Su-Ro-To pitch, battle Magurosuisen; but Maguro has a wicked pitch of their own and the Bemars hopes to save Hatsumori Park begin to fade before their eyes.
Overview: With Polaris trained to hit every known pitch it falls to Harvard to invent an almost magic pitch that has never been seen before; but her idea is so weird and so harmful for a pitcher to throw that Harvard loses faith in her own theory.
Overview: Nanamaru flees practice to conceal the damage her shoulder incurs from throwing the magic pitch and accidentally overhears a family secret; and Kirei must cope with her father's girlfriend as the day of the championship game arrives.
Overview: Nanamaru shocks Polaris with her Magic pitch but her shoulder worsens with every throw. The Bemars are overwhelmed by Kirei's Fire Windmill pitch but they fight on. As the battle rages, the fate of Hatsumori Park hangs by a thread.