Overview: We are trapped on Earth. Controlled by an ancient debt to the universe...
Overview: What shall we do once machines become conscious? Do we need to grant them rights?
Overview: Are GMOs bad for your health? Or is this fear unfounded?
Overview: Should we double down or give up and go our separate ways?
Overview: Everything will end. Even the universe. But in a future so far away that it defies description, there will still be light and therefore a chance for life. It will be around white dwarfs, the corpses of stars. But even they will fade one day...
Overview: Automation in the Information Age is different.
Overview: Size is the most under appreciated regulator of living things. Let us demonstrate that by throwing animals from buildings.
Overview: Black holes are scary things. But they also might reveal the true nature of the universe to us.
Overview: What happens if we bring the sun to earth? No, seriously.
Overview: What happens when microbes talk to your brain?
Overview: If you could decide today... how long do you want to live?
Overview: What if we could stop aging forever?
Overview: How can many stupid things combine to form smart things? How can proteins become living cells? How become lots of ants a colony? What is emergence?
Overview: What is UBI? How would free money change our lives.