Overview: An animated musical comedy about the Tillermans, a family that lives in a castle in Central Park. Owen, the park manager, and Paige, his journalist wife, raise their kids Molly and Cole in the world’s most famous park, while fending off a hotel heiress, Bitsy Brandenham, who would love nothing more than to turn the park into condos.
Status: Canceled
Release date: May 29, 2020
Number of season: 3
Number of episode: 39
Countries of origin: United States of America,
June 25, 2021.
16 Episodes
Overview: In season two, Molly experiences the trials and tribulations of adolescence, Cole is challenged by a truly embarrassing moment at school, Paige continues to chase down the mayor’s corruption story and Owen juggles managing the park, his staff and his family all with a smile on his face. Meanwhile, Bitsy inches ever closer to her sinister goal of claiming Central Park as her own, with Helen by her side eternally wondering whether she’s made it into Bitsy’s will.
See episodesSeptember 8, 2022.
13 Episodes
Overview: In season three, as Bitsy continues her relentless pursuit to buy the park, Owen embarks on a new promotional campaign to make more people fall in love with it, and Paige finds herself busier than ever when she lands her first book deal.
See episodes