Overview: A review of new software titles for use in schools and at home education. Products/Demos: Operation Frog, Apple Classroom Tomorrow, Reader Rabbit, Magic Slate, Animal Kingdom, Voyage of the Mimi. https://archive.org/details/Educatio1986
Overview: A look at on-line educational services and self-teaching software programs. Products/Demos: InfoMinder, National Gallery of Art, Talking Software Pre-Readers The Balancing Act, Plato. http://www.archive.org/details/Educatio1986_2
Overview: Computers and music, MIDI machines and interfaces, and music composition software. Casio SK-1 Synthesizer, Atari ST, Activision's Music Studio, ADAP Sampler, DSP-1000, Apple II GS, Ensoniq Sound Chip, Soundscape, Commodore AmigaEZ Track, Kidnotes. http://www.archive.org/details/MIDIMusi1986
Overview: Reduced Instruction Set Computers are a new approach to speeding up computer processing. Guests: Joel Birnbaum, Hewlett Packard; David Patterson, UC Berkeley; Frank King, IBM; Hugh Martin, Ridge Computers; Jan Lewis, Palo Alto Research Group; George Morrow, Morrow Computing; Nickolas Dunckel, TRW Products/Demos: HP Spectrum https://archive.org/details/RISC1986
Overview: PC utiltities, file manipulators, disk managers, DOS aids, and other PC tools. Guests: Ed Tolson, SoftLogic Solutions; Dale Sinor, Executive Systems; Karen Lund, Tele-Ware; Robert Hoffman, Ashton-Tate; Ezra Shapiro, BYTE Magazine; Jay Eisnelohr, Airus; Gary Kildall, Digital Research; George Morrow, Intelligent Access Products/Demos: Sidekick, Norton Utilities, Sideways, Double DOS, Disk Optimizer, Xtree & HOT, Above Disc, Détente. https://archive.org/details/Utilitie1986
Overview: A look at the used computer market at who is selling them, who is buying them and what the risks and benefits are. Guests: J. Mark Crouch, Interstate Computer Bank; Stan Politi, Computer Currents; Bradley Ruedig, CAS Used Computers; Alexander Randall, Boston Computer Exch; George Morrow, Intelligent Access; Gary Kildall, Digital Research Products/Demos: Dysan Interrogator, Leading Edge https://archive.org/details/SecondHa1986
Overview: First of a two-part series on desktop publishing focusing on new software applications for the Macintosh. Products/Demos: Comic Works, Ready, Set, Go, Fontographer, Fluent Fonts, Right Now, Desktop Art. http://www.archive.org/details/DesktopP1986
Overview: Second part of this series on desktop publishing looking at software applications for DOS based computers. Guests: Richard Amen, Dest Corporation; John Meyer, Ventura Software; Roger Archibald, Hewlett Packard; Paul Brainerd, Aldus Corporation; Jonathan Seybold, Seybold Publications; Gary Kildall, Digital Research Products/Demos: DEST PC Scan Plus, Ventura Publisher, PostScript, PageMaker, HP DDL https://archive.org/details/DesktopP1987
Overview: A user's guide to macros - automated sequences of commands for spreadsheets, word processors, and database programs. Guests: Lynne Hughes, McDonell Douglas; Alan Simpson, Author; Michael Lunsford, MacroPac; Daniel Gasteiger, Lotus Publishing; Gary Kildall, Digital Research Products/Demos: dBase III, VP Planner, Lotus 123, Symphony https://archive.org/details/GuidetoM1986
Overview: A look at new software programs that reside in RAM and are always ready but may conflict with each other. Guests: David Whitney, Access Learning Tech; Dale Leatherman, Prodex; Robert Luhn, PC World; Richard Kraus, Persoft; Chip Rabinowitz, Amer Video Teleconf; Gary Kildall, Digital Research Products/Demos: In-Synch, Note-It, Prodex 1.3, Referee https://archive.org/details/RAMResid1986
Overview: A review of the newest hardware and software as exhibited at the annual fall Comdex show in Las Vegas. Guests: Hal Glatzer, Software News; Tim Bajarin, Creative Strategies; Jan Lewis, Palo Alto Research Group Products/Demos: Hyundai & Samsung 386 PCs, Compaq 386 PC, Zenith PortableNEC Multispeed, Datavue SNAPPC Movie Maker, Smart Sneaker, Phonetic Engine, Hitachi & Toshiba Drives, Okidata & LED Laser Printers, QMS and HP Printers. https://archive.org/details/ComdexSp1986
Overview: A user's guide to project management programs, strategies, and approaches. Guests: Jim Dunnigan, Microsoft; David Bryan, Breakthrough Software; Nancy Ann Twomey, Computer Assoc; Glenn Katz, Stanford; Gary Kildall, Digital Research Products/Demos: MacProjectTimeline, Microsoft Project, MicroPlanner Plus, Superproject Plus 2.0 http://www.archive.org/details/ProjectM1986
Overview: A review of available hardware and software gifts for techies. Products/Demos: Calendar Creator, HP Financial Consultant, Business Simulator, Muppet Learning Keys Toy Shop, Pen Mouse, Looking Your Best, AmnesiaPC, and Type Right. Originally broadcast in 1986. Guests include George Morrow, Paul Schindler, and Wendy Woods. Stewart Cheifet is host. Copyright 1986 Stewart Cheifet Productions. https://archive.org/details/Christma1986
Overview: A look at new email systems, comparative advantages and pitfalls and new email accessories and tools. Guests: Stuart Davidson, MCI; Jeff Anderholm, Lotus; Lloyd Kreuzer, Kreuzer Software; Carl Berney, Speech Plus; Charles Foskett, Natural Microsystems; Jan Lewis, Palo Alto Research Group Products/Demos: Lotus Express, MCI Mail, The Source, Call for Text, Watson https://archive.org/details/Electron1986
Overview: A review of the new Intel 386 chip and the new super-fast computers and applications that take advantage of its speed. Guests: Dana Krelle, Intel; Michael Swavely, Compaq; Robert Dilworth, Zenith; Neil Colvin, Phoenix Technologies; Jan Lewis, Palo Alto Research Group Products/Demos: Compaq Deskpro 386, Intel 80386 Microprocessor, Zenith Z-386, VP/ix, UNIX 386. https://archive.org/details/Intel3861987
Overview: First of a two-part series on on-line services such as CompuServe, the Source and DowJones, featuring Steve Case, at the time VP of Marketing at QuantumLink, and eventual head of AOL. Guests: Clay Cocalis, Dow Jones; Nancy Tulley, Delphi; Jack O'Grady, Intelmatique; Steve Case, QuantumLink; Gary Kildall, Digital Research Products/Demos: CompuServe, Commodore Network, People Connection, Free Text Search, Computer Express, Minitel. http://archive.org/details/On-LineD1987
Overview: Second part of a series on information retrieval looking at specialized services such as Bix, Dialog, QuantumLink and NewsNet. Guests: Dick Kollin, Telebase Systems; Doug Webster, BYTE; Roger Summit, Dialog Info Services; Connie Tomal, Mead Data Central; George Morrow, Morrow Computing Products/Demos: Lotus One Source, BIX, Lexis Nexis, Information on Demand, Dialog, EasyNet https://archive.org/details/On-LineD1987_2
Overview: A survey of the technology embedded in modern office buildings and private homes. Shot in Hong Kong. Guests: Dr. Po S. Chung, Chinese University HK; Martin Spurrier, HongKong Land Group; R. A. Guy, HS Property Management; Donald Birch, Cathay Pacific; P G H Greene, HongKong Bank; Eric Vincent, Cable & Wireless; Ronald Suen, Kowloon Hotel; William Phillips, Baring Securities; Alfred Ho, Government Info Services http://www.archive.org/details/Intellig1987
Overview: An look at the latest advances in speech technology involving both voice recognition and speech synthesis. Guests: Michael O'Malley, Berkeley Speech Tech; Charles Cochran, Electronic Speech Sys; Steve Bettencourt, Votan; Janet Baker, Dragon Systems; George Morrow, Morrow Computing Products/Demos: Speech Plus, Software Speech, BestSpeech, VoiceKey, Voice Libraries, Voice Scribe 1000 https://archive.org/details/SpeechRe1987
Overview: A review of the latest software titles to help you manage and file your income taxes including a look at on-line filing. Guests: Henry Hilton, Double Eagle Software; Susan Morgan, Softview; James Petersen, Best Programs; Michael Chipman, ChipSoft; Gary Kildall, Digital Research Products/Demos: Tax Advantage, Mac-in-Tax, PC TaxCut, TurboTax http://www.archive.org/details/TaxPrepa1987
Overview: A review of the latest laptop computers, new display screen technology and common applications.. Guests: Bob Wade, Tany/Radio Shack; James Barlett, NEC; Andrew Czernek, Zenith Data Systems; Thomas Sherrard, Toshiba; Britt Blaser, Dynamac; Gary Kildall, Digital Research Products/Demos: Workslate, Tandy Model 100 & 200, NEC Multispeed, Zenith Z-181, Toshiba T-1100 & T-3100, Grid Laptop, Mac Portable http://www.archive.org/details/Portable1987
Overview: A look at young people and how they are using computers for pleasure and for education. Guests: Aaron Arakawa, Nueva Learning Center; Ben Wu, Miller Jr High; Laura Risk, Aptos Middle School; Robin Lee, Leyva Jr High; Arin Epstein, Foothill Middle School; Clifton Dalgard, Leyva Jr High Products/Demos: Voting Program, The World of the IIe, LogoWriter, Integer Base, Teachtype. https://archive.org/details/Komputer1987
Overview: Computers are moving form math and engineering to the world of the arts. A look at how artists are using computer technology. Guests: Eddie Dombrower, DOM Dance Press; Larry Friedlander, Stanford; Charles Kerns, Stanford; John Burke, Oakland Museum; Stacy Mitchell, Great Wave Software Products/Demos: DOM Dance Notation, PatchworkTheater, GameMac, VisionMac, SpinConcertWare, Terpsichore. http://www.archive.org/details/Computer1987
Overview: A review of how computers are being used in innovative programs to teach basic literacy skills to adults. Guests: John Fleischman, La Puente Adult Schools; Jane Nissen Laidley, People's Computer Co; Dr. John Henry Martin, IBM; Gary Kildall, Digital Research Products/Demos: LEAP Functional Literacy, Adult Literacy and Learning, Maze Mania http://www.archive.org/details/Computer1987_2