Overview: Born into a family of vampires, high schooler Doina begins to rebel against her mother's strict rules — and the pills she's forced to swallow each day.
Overview: Doina struggles to control her new urges. Deprived of blood, Rad and Irina turn against their siblings. Andrea makes a deal with Ladislas Nemeth.
Overview: As Doina is drawn deeper into the Nemeths' web, Martha races to help Andrea, and Elise sheds new light on Redouane's genetic research.
Overview: In exchange for a favor from Csilla, Doina agrees to attend a party and meet the community's matriarch. But the night takes an unexpected turn.
Overview: Andrea and Elise undertake a daring mission to help the family. Nacer vows to find out where Doina lives. Csilla asks Ladislas to lay a trap.
Overview: Doina seizes on a way to placate the community and salvage her family's future. Andrea's search for Elise yields an unsettling discovery.